Liquidity Pool

The module x/liquiditypool is for minting LP tokens of XXX/SR with AMM mechanism. LP tokens can be used for Proof of Liquidity for Sunrise L1, and also can be used for Sovereign Proof of Liquidity for L2s on Sunrise.

This module supports Concentrated Liquidity while the LP tokens are still fungible.



Before creating the pool, the pair of tokens have to be registered. The notion of 1 Pair will be linked to N Pools.

There are some restrictions for the pair registration while the pair consists of base_token / quote_token:

  • $SR can't be the base token.

  • If the quote token is not $SR, the pair quote_token / $SR must be registered.

These rules enable the calculation of $SR converted value of LP tokens by using TWAP to use them in Proof of Liquidity.


In contrast to Uniswap V3, each user can't designate the range of providing concentrated liquidity in the same pool. Each pool has a fixed range of liquidity provision, and users will decide which pool to provide liquidity. This design enables making the LP tokens fungible in the same pool.

The range of the concentrated liquidity can be changed and the funds can be rebalanced by the governance in x/group module for each pool.


To mitigate the calculation cost on the chain, each pool i of token pair X and Y contains the information of the fuction

{fix(yi,ki)=0fiy(xi,ki)=0fik(xi,yi)=0\left\{ \begin{aligned} f_i^x(y_i, k_i) &= 0 \\ f_i^y(x_i, k_i) &= 0 \\ f_i^k(x_i, y_i) &= 0 \end{aligned}\right.


  • x_i is the amount of token X in the pool i

  • y_i is the amount of token Y in the pool i

  • k_i is the constant value of the pool i

All equations are the explicit form of the single implicit function

fi(xi,yi,ki)=0f_i(x_i, y_i, k_i) = 0


  • f_i is the function that uniquely determines the range and allocation of the liquidity in pool i.

For example, Uniswap V2 like AMM can be described as

f(x,y,k)=xyk=0    xy=k\begin{aligned} f(x, y, k) &= xy - k = 0 \\ &\iff xy = k \end{aligned}

Uniswap V3 like Concentrated Liquidity MM can be described as

f(x,y,k)=(x+kpb)(y+kpa)k=0    (x+kpb)(y+kpa)=k\begin{aligned} f(x, y, k) &= \left(x + \sqrt{\frac{k}{p_b}} \right) \left(y + \sqrt{k p_a} \right) - k = 0 \\ &\iff \left(x + \sqrt{\frac{k}{p_b}} \right) \left(y + \sqrt{k p_a} \right) = k \end{aligned}

Then, the change of token amounts without consideration of fees can be described as below

dxi(yi,dyi,ki)=fix(yi+dyi,ki)fix(yi,ki)dyi(xi,dxi,ki)=fiy(xi+dxi,ki)fiy(xi,ki)\begin{aligned} dx_i(y_i, dy_i, k_i) &= f_i^x(y_i + dy_i, k_i) - f_i^x(y_i, k_i) \\ dy_i(x_i, dx_i, k_i) &= f_i^y(x_i + dx_i, k_i) - f_i^y(x_i, k_i) \end{aligned}


  • dx_i is the change of token X amount in the pool i

  • dy_i is the change of token Y amount in the pool i

To find the optimal weights w_i to maximize the amount to receive, the following optimization problem can be solved for each case with r_i that is the sum of the fee rate of the pool i and the protocol.

Send exact amount of token X to pools (dx > 0)

w={arg maxw (1ri)idyi(xi,widx,ki)s.t. iwi=1\mathbf{w}^* = \left\{ \begin{aligned} \argmax_{\mathbf{w}} & \ -(1-r_i)\sum_i dy_i(x_i, w_i dx, k_i) \\ \text{s.t.} & \ \sum_i w_i = 1 \end{aligned} \right.

Receive exact amount of token X from pools (dx < 0)

w={arg minw idyi(xi,widx/(1ri),ki)s.t. iwi=1\mathbf{w}^* = \left\{ \begin{aligned} \argmin_{\mathbf{w}} & \ \sum_i dy_i(x_i, w_i dx / (1-r_i), k_i) \\ \text{s.t.} & \ \sum_i w_i = 1 \end{aligned} \right.

Send exact amount of token Y to pools (dy > 0)

w={arg maxw (1ri)idxi(yi,widy,ki)s.t. iwi=1\mathbf{w}^* = \left\{ \begin{aligned} \argmax_{\mathbf{w}} & \ -(1-r_i)\sum_i dx_i(y_i, w_i dy, k_i) \\ \text{s.t.} & \ \sum_i w_i = 1 \end{aligned} \right.

Receive exact amount of token Y from pools (dy < 0)

w={arg minw idxi(yi,widy/(1ri),ki)s.t. iwi=1\mathbf{w}^* = \left\{ \begin{aligned} \argmin_{\mathbf{w}} & \ \sum_i dx_i(y_i, w_i dy / (1-r_i), k_i) \\ \text{s.t.} & \ \sum_i w_i = 1 \end{aligned} \right.

These calculation can be done in the client side, then the load on the chain can be reduced because the chain side only need to receive the weight w to execute the optimal swap.


Sunrise chain will record the last prices of the pool periodically, and they will be used for calculating Time Weighted Average Price. TWAP will be utilized for calculating the voting power from the LP tokens by using the price ratio to $SR token.



This message can contain the array of the pairs.

message MsgSwapExactAmountIn {
  option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
  string sender = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
  cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin token_in = 2  [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true
  string min_amount_out = 3 [
    (cosmos_proto.scalar)  = "cosmos.Int",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = "",
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true
  repeated SwapRoute routes = 4 [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true


This message can't contain the array of the pairs.

message MsgSwapExactAmountOut {
  option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
  string sender = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
  cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin token_out = 2  [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true
  string max_amount_in = 3 [
    (cosmos_proto.scalar)  = "cosmos.Int",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = "",
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true
  SwapRoute route = 4 [
    (gogoproto.nullable)   = false,
    (amino.dont_omitempty) = true





Last updated